Attending: Nitai, Kesava, Kiritraja, Hari Puja, Gandarvika, Indradyumna, Chaturatma
TOPIC: Nitai expressed her concern that regular meetings of this board are a must. We should be attentive to our schedule of every other week.
TOPIC: This coming week (6/16-6/20) the deities will be painted. This will be done from just after class and run for the entire day. This will mean no darsana until possibly the last arati. This will take place Monday, Wednesday and Friday if a 3rd day is needed.
TOPIC: A report was given on the developments by a group of devotees to rebuild the Tulasi house. As this is still pending, full details are not being put out yet. However, this is a serious crew that wants to see this project rebuilt and have the knowhow and funding to do so. This is being taken as a serious show of interest. Currently research is being put into the rebuilding in standard greenhouse materials: aluminum and glass. This board will be kept informed of this as details develop.
TOPIC: It is decided that in the case of deities that have underwear or gumchas painted on, that there is no need to continue offering cloth underwear or gumchas as well.
TOPIC: Hari Puja will set up two boxes in the pujari room for the devotees dressing and putting away clothes. One will be labeled “Holding”. This will be for say a pair of earrings where only one is used and the other is kept in this box until the evening so the two can be kept together. The other box will be labeled “Unknown”. This will be for devotees at night who are putting away the jewelry at night and are not certain where a piece goes.
TOPIC: It was confirmed that as Nitai needs items for the pujari room, petty cash is available in the treasury. It was also noted that funding is being set aside as it comes into the deity account for outfits at festival times.
TOPIC: We will plan to inaugurate the Garuda that has been made for the temple room during the Janmastami festival.
TOPIC: A request was made by Chaturatma from Hari Puja for a list of Radharani Club donors so they are not asked for donations when they have already given.
TOPIC: Chaturatma will investigate obtaining a large number of pavitras for use during pavitrapani Ekadasi. These would be offered to the Lord and sold as prasad to the devotees.
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